Store Lemurian Smoky Terminated
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Lemurian Smoky Terminated

This clear, with a slight gray hue, Smoky Lemurian Quartz grounds the high vibrational energy,
and works well during meditation as well as:
- Holds a profound vibration and unconditional love, perfect tool for Lightworkers
- Excellent for Chakra balancing and clearing
- Removes karmic debris and soul imperatives
- Activates higher resonances of each chakra and integrating with the lightbody
- Opens multi-dimensional healing spaces and powerful energy portals
- Reawakens spiritual training and healing abilities

This terminated crystal assists with either bringing in these
qualities or puts them into action (this depends on your intention setting)

You will receive ONE(1) crystal of your selection.
Please note there will be a slight variation in terms of size, color, texture, etc.,
due to the unique nature of each stone/crystal.
Approximate size: 1 1/4"-1 1/2"
Price: $7.50

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